Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I am His

I am simply His daughter.  There is absolutely nothing special in me except what He has given me.  I am His child, not by my works, but by His grace alone.  The One who created me sent His only Son to this earth, to live, to serve, to die, and defeat the grave.  The Father desires me.  I cannot wrap my mind around this, but my soul knows it's truth.  He desires me so much that He sent His Son so that by faith in the life and ressurection of Christ, my sinfulness has been exchanged for His Son's righteousness.  I am a sinner.  And an imperfect, holy God cannot have communication or fellowship with sin, for that negates His holiness.  But back to the part that He desires me.  And the depth of my soul knows this for His Son paid my price.

When I began thinking of "blogging", I was thinking of what about me would the world want to know.  Who am I?  Well, I am a wife.  I am a mom.  I am a daughter.  A sister.  A friend.  But as much time as some of these roles require, they don't explain the deepest part of my heart, where my true identity lies.  Who I am lies in the great I AM.  And in Him, I am just simply His daughter.  I pray that when the world sees me, they see Him.  For there is nothing flashy about me that would be worth sharing on a "blog".  So, hopefully, you see Him.